Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Love On, Love Off, Love On, Love Off

Do you feel like clapping your hands while reading that title? Oh to be young and think that your world is coming to an end as you know it because some pimple faced, frizzy headed boy breaks up with you!

I am so happy to be getting gray around the to speak...and not having to deal with being a teenager again!

Brieanna had been dating a guy who, at first, seemed like a really nice guy (don't they all at first!) Then my years of experience of reading and watching people I realized "sugar wasnt' so sweet" for him anymore. He was still hanging on I think more to benefit from the activities and free meals whenever possible.

Well, good riddence is what I say! She had found another friend who had seemed to fit the bill for last week...but she has already traded him back in this week.

The point of this story, she is always asking me to have everyone pray that she find the right person for her life. She seriously recognizes the need to have the "right" person and not just anyone.

To quote Martha Stewart......"that is a good thing"....

So, when you are praying for people who need boyfriends don't forget Brieanna in your prayers!