Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Almost Out of the Woods

In case you have been keeping up with this blog....I am sure you've noticed that it's been several weeks since the last post from me. So to catch you up to date....pardon me while I sneeze...cough and guessed it...I've been nursing the sick and THEN I got sick!
Brieanna is just beginning to make some recovery from her case of mono and Riley is just yesterday back to work after a week in bed sick with a major sinus infection.
I was doing just fine playing nurse maid....and all was going well until I had to take one of Brie's friends to the ER after a frantic game of Laser Tag at Fun Land on Friday night. Seems the heat and the flashing lights gave the child a panic attack! Whoever heard of such "who shot John" my Dad would call it! LOL

Let me just say...IF EVER I have to go to an ER for someone else because they are sick, please do not be offended if I request a face mask!! The last two times I got so sick was after being in the ER with someone else!!

Thanks to all who prayed for us!